Sponsorship Benefits

aecKnowledge fills a large void by providing architecture, engineering, construction and land use planning professionals with a centralized venue for gathering and sharing credible, distilled and practical knowledge. By reaching members of the entire AEC industry, aecKnowledge:

  • Creates a strong presence for your brand throughout four highly fragmented industries
  • Reaches professionals searching for information knowledge areas directly related to your organization, products or services
  • Prominently features your company, product or service next to content of direct relevance
  • Positions your brand on the cutting-edge of technology
  • Introduces students and emerging professionals to your company, product or service
  • Increases visibility with members from allied organizations with over 800,000 professional members
  • Keeps your brand in front of hard-to-reach professionals and decision-makers from small- and mid-size firms
  • Provides a lens into what your target audience is thinking about, acting upon and discussing with others

To inquire about the many ways in which your organization can partner with aecKnowledge. Call 415.383.7011 or contact michael@aecKnowledge.com.

Knowledge Sponsors


