Mary Anne Mc Kernie
Creative Director, aecKnowledge, Inc.

As aecKnowledge's Creative Director, Mary Anne McKernie is the primary person responsible for the design, graphics and overall "look and feel" of the website and continuing education videos. To her role, she brings both 25 years developing custom software for the A/E industry and 15 years doing interior design. She also oversees the development of design standards and conceives, directs and edits many of the firm's promotional videos.
Mary Anne also helps set strategic direction for the firm and actively inputs on management policy.
Melissa Olson
Customer Support, Director of Social Media, aecKnowledge, Inc.

Melissa Olson wears two hats at aecKnowledge. As our Customer Support Representative, she enjoys talking people off of technological ledges. By listening carefully to our users, she learns how they interact with our website and offers important input to our technical staff for how to make the user experience simpler and more rewarding. Building on her love of finding and solving problems, Melissa also scrutinizes our course material and tests new website features before they go live.
As Director of Social Media, Melissa develops strategy for engaging users and soliciting their insights. Melissa has an uncanny ability to find humor in most situations and brings a warm, human touch to our online presence.
Dwayne Purper
Futura Creative

Dwayne is our web developer extraordinare and an avid ultimate frisbee player. He graduated from University of Maryland with a degree in journalism and joined The Herald-Sun newspaper in Durham, N.C., as a reporter and editor.
In the very early days of the World Wide Web, Dwayne joined a small, in-house team to build a site for the newspaper. In 1995, he left to form his own graphic design and web programming company. He has built multimedia presentations, web sites and applications for clients like Hardee's, Wrangler and for higher-educational institutions including Duke University, University of North Carolina and NC State.
Michael Strogoff
FAIA, Founder, aecKnowledge, Inc.

Michael Strogoff, FAIA, is a leading educator of and advisor to the AEC industries. After serving as the Continuing Education Chair for the AIA 2009 National Convention and observing the fragmented nature of the AEC industry, Michael founded aecKnowledge to transform how design, engineering and construction professionals collaborate and learn from each other.
In addition to guiding aecKnowledge Michael operates a nationwide consulting practice to architects, engineers and contractors, offering ownership transition, merger & acquisition, practice management and strategic planning services. Michael has been a featured speaker at regional and national events and been widely cited in industry publications and national media. Prior to founding his consulting practice, Michael served as the managing principal of a 45-person architecture firm.
For his contributions to the industry, Michael has been elevated to Fellowship in the American Institute of Architects and recognized with Presidential Commendations and Citations from the AIA California Council and AIA San Francisco.