Active Design 1: Creating Active Cities Through Design
Presented by: Karen K. Lee, MD, MHSc, FRCPC, Alexandros E. Washburn, AIA
AIA/CES (HSW) Learning Units: 1.0 Hours
This video course includes a downloadable transcript.
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Course release date: February, 2012.
Can transformations in the built environment inspire people to be more physically active and make our communities healthier? According to a growing body of research, the answer is yes. New York City’s Active Design Guidelines translates this knowledge into concrete strategies for a healthier, more sustainable future. Architects, designers, planners, developers, and operations managers can adapt the Guidelines to their own projects to promote physical activity and help counteract the most pressing health epidemics of our time – obesity and its related chronic diseases. Active Design 1 is a 1-hour presentation that will provide an overview of the connections between health and design of the built environment; cover the urban design and building-scale strategies included in the Guidelines; and explore the synergies between Active Design, environmental sustainability and universal accessibility. More information, including a free electronic copy of the Active Design Guidelines, can be found at www.nyc.gov/adg.
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Course Prices: $30 AIA members, $40 non-members
Series Prices (Two courses – 15% savings): $52 AIA members, $68 non-members