MDC Emerging Talent
Heather Roberge, AIA, MURMUR
Presented by: Heather Roberge, AIA, Murmur, Los Angeles
Inspiration Only Learning Units: 0 Hours
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Course release date: February, 2018
Among the most inspirational events at the famed Monterey Design Conference are the 15-minute presentations by some of California’s finest emerging talent. In this presentation, Los Angeles-based Heather Roberge, AIA, of murmur, explores the roles of computational and digital fabrication in shaping contemporary architecture, and illustrates how lightweight construction can defy structural expectations.
This course, presented FREE courtesy of the AIA California Council and aecKnowledge is streamed in high definition video and is available on computers, smart phones, tablets and other mobile devices.
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For the Keynote Presentations from the Monterey Design Conference, go to our Continuing Education page.